Drafting Training

Training to help Our Community
Your volunteers at Port-Au-Peck Chemical Hose and Oceanport Hook & Ladder trained to draft water from the Shrewsbury Inlet. In drafting, firefighters use an alternative water supply, such as the Shrewsbury Inlet from which to get water. The end of Gooseneck and Shore Road have limited Hydrant pressure. This technique will help us fight fires more effectively in this area.
A Call For Houses to be Demolished

Help Us Train to Help You!
For more realistic training, fire departments sometimes burn structures that are destined to be torn down, such as commercial buildings, residential homes and barns. Situations where these structures are legally burned as part of a supervised fire training exercise are invaluable to fire department personnel. The Port-Au-Peck Chemical Hose Fire Company would like to know if you would allow us to use your soon to be demolished home for training purposes. For more information, call 732-229-9771 or email us at info@portaupeckfire.org.
Who We Are?
We are the local Fire compay of Oceanport. The Port-au-Peck Chemical Hose Co. Number 1 has been a vital link in the economic and social life of the Borough. During the rainy and high tide periods, many flooded cellars are pumped out. In the fall and spring, fields with dry grass are burned.

- Every Home Should Have at Least One Working Smoke Alarm
- Prevent Electrical Fires
- Use Appliances Wisely
- Alternate Heaters
- Affordable Home Fire Safety Sprinklers
- Plan Your Escape
- Caring for Children
- Caring for Older People
Fire Preparedness
Conduct a family meeting and discuss the following topics:
Always sleep with the bedroom doors closed. This will keep deadly heat and smoke out of bedrooms, giving you additional time to escape.
Find a way for everyone to sound a family alarm. Yelling, pounding on walls, whistles, etc. Practice yelling "FIRE!"
In a fire, time is critical. Don't waste time getting dressed, don't search for pets or valuables. Just get out!
Roll out of bed. Stay low. One breath of smoke or gases may be enough to kill.